We are rewriting these rules due to operating in a new space. However, these are provisional rules utilising our core values of putting customers and their safety first. Please be aware that these are subject to change as the renovations progress. Not all rules are set in stone, and we welcome feedback and open dialogue from all patrons. The order of rules is not reflective of any priority or importance. All rules should be considered paramount and treated equally. Rules specific to certain events are detailed in their respective sections lower down this list.
As an adult club, attendees must by law be 18yrs or or older to attend an event. As such, we adhere to the Challenge 25 policy and request that all attendees bring photographic ID in the event we ask for it. If you cannot produce it, you will be refused entry.
As we only accept payment in advance for events, all patrons are reminded that this is an invite-only club. You may not share your link or invitation with any other persons as we may not be able to accommodate them. Further, some tickets are strictly limited to ensure ratios of attendees are balanced. Anyone who purchases the wrong ticket will not be permitted entry or will be subject to additional fees.
Regarding confidentiality, we are required by law to adhere to strict GDPR guidelines. We are often asked to divulge the details of who may or may not be attending. This is in violation of GDPR. We can assure all attendees that their details are kept strictly confidential. If you have a specific safety concern regarding someone specific in relation to legal orders such as non-harassment orders, please contact us to discuss this further.
We have a strict zero tolerance policy on using or carrying any illegal drugs. Anyone found breaking this rule will be removed immediately and banned for life.
Verbal or physical abuse directed at any member of staff or fellow guests will NOT be tolerated.
Please ensure you use an unsoiled towel (provided by the club) when sitting if you have an exposed bottom/genitalia. This is for health, hygiene and sanitary reasons.
As we do not sell alcohol, we permit BYOB and we do not charge a corkage fee at this time. However, due to concerns around safety and consent, we reinforce that the safest and most responsible thing to do is to remain sober. We retain the right to eject any person we feel may be a danger to themselves or others if they have become overly drunk.
Whilst not a rule, we advise that attendees do not leave drinks unattended. Only bottled water is permitted outside of the social area to prevent spillage.
Please respect our neighbours at all times, especially when entering the common area of the venue and exiting via the common area of the venue.
Excellent hygiene is paramount. There is a shower on site for those who wish to use it. Please do not put us in the position of having to ask you to shower. We will ask if we must.
Please adhere to any dress codes specific to the event, which will be detailed in their respective sections below. Attendees may be turned away with no refund if they fail to dress accordingly or to bring clothing to change into at the venue.
- Please do not wear potentially offensive clothing such as football shirts or colours.
- Please do not arrive looking unkempt or messy.
- Please do not arrive in fetish clothing or other unusual outfits which you would not wear in public. You are free to change into this upon entry into the club.
At this time, we are not equipped to indulge in wet and messy play. This includes but is not limited to toilet play. There are five bathrooms on site (one of which is reserved exclusively for female-identifying persons). The other toilets are ungendered to encourage an inclusive environment for any and all genders. The toilet facilities will be pointed out to you on admission.
Whilst safe sex is not a rule, we actively encourage patrons to engage in safe sex at all times. This lifestyle is inherently associated with a higher risk profile, and we remind people to engage in active dialogue regarding their sexual health. Please be prepared to discuss the dates and results of your STI screening, your risk profile and your boundaries.
Condoms and lube are provided free of charge. We provide a range of condoms, including latex-free and female condoms on request. Please only take what you need as condoms are a cost burden to provide and do not take them home with you. Staff can advise you on resources for free or low-cost protection if you wish. On the topic of condom use:
- Do not use the same condom on different people. This is not safe sex or proper condom use and exposes people to unnecessary risk.
- Please note that it is recommended to change your condom every 10 minutes even if you are still playing with the same person.
- If you have a latex allergy or feel a condom may be the wrong size, we have a range of sizes and latex-free options available. If you require a specialised condom that we do not stock, please communicate this in advance so we can either stock it or facilitate you bringing your own.
No means NO – if you feel uncomfortable, stop. Swinging should be FUN and nobody should feel pressured into doing anything. Our members are respectful, if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or doesn’t seem to be taking a hint or outright no, then inform a member of staff.
The club safeword is RED. This can be spoken by any attendee at any point, and play must stop until directed otherwise by staff. A staff member will intervene to handle the situation. Please remember that a request to stop that is ignored is a form of sexual assault. We reserve the right to eject anyone at any time if they conduct themselves in a manner that endangers themselves or others.
At some events, private play rooms may be in use. Please reserve these rooms for those who wish to play without spectators and respect the rules surrounding their use. A time limit may be in operation for these rooms.
If a room is locked, do not knock on the door or attempt to gain entry. If you are concerned, you can find a staff member.
If people are playing openly (regardless of where they are), this does not give you permission to touch them or involve yourself without consent. Please keep your distance and ask or wait until you’re invited. Persistent requests when told no are not acceptable.
Some rooms are designed to remain as an open play space. We request that everyone be mindful of their conversations, their volume and their general presence. Please be mindful of how your conversation could be viewed as being rude, vulgar, loud or otherwise off-putting. This can negatively impact someone else’s play experience and could lead to you being asked to leave the playroom or be escalated further.
Some of the equipment in the rooms are expensive, complicated and require experience or staff supervision to be used. Equipment will have individual rules signposted at their stations. If in doubt, seek staff or do not use the equipment. Any damage from misuse will be charged to the individual(s) responsible for the damage.
Additionally, we remind patrons that, as a BDSM orientated venue, some equipment and play requires a safe operating space. Do not crowd equipment or persons as injury may occur as a result. You are responsible for your own conduct.
Please be aware that you are not paying for sex. We are only a venue which facilitates events. There is no guarantee of play in our club; it will always come down to your own ability to connect with other members and it is not a requirement of attendee to play with anyone. CONSENT IS KEY. This is a safe place for like-minded individuals to enjoy their free time.
Please clean up after yourself. There are plenty of bins, paper tissue and wipes in the rooms. Staff will be cleaning throughout the night. If an area requires attention and a staff member, please alert a member of staff ASAP. For any persons who squirt, please do not be embarrassed to ask for additional towels. There are protective sheets on every mattress as well.
We have a no mobile phone policy. We have a secure area to keep your belongings safe, and will be adding lockers as the renovation progresses. Mobile phones are forbidden to protect the privacy of other attendees. Anyone putting the privacy or safety of other customers at risk will be asked to leave.
As a small business operating a club of this nature, the fees for refunding tickets are prohibitive. As such, all tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Further, a person asked to leave is also not entitled to a refund.
If you are found in breach of our guidelines, you may be removed from the venue and temporarily or permanently banned at our discretion. If you are a member, your membership may be revoked.
By attending one of our events, you acknowledge that you have read these rules in full and agree and abide by them. You agree to indemnify and hold the organisers, hosts, venue and its management, staff, agents, harmless of any claim or damages (including any legal fees in relation to the same) made by yourself or a third party, for any loss, damage, injury or harm suffered by you or them or to property howsoever caused.
Ticket purchases for our events will appear on bank statements as GGGLASGOW at this time. This is non-traceable to the events to maintain customer privacy.
All persons who attend are here for their own fun. Every person pays to attend and is free to say no at any time without need to explain themselves. Consent is a two- (or more) way street and any person can withdraw consent at any time.
We do request that all persons are respectful of social areas and conscious of varying levels of comfort around nudity, although all attendees should be prepared to see nudity at this event. Nudity is not permitted in the social area or in the common areas such as the hallway.
— FFAs —
The dress code for FFAs is as follows:
- For arrival, all persons must arrive in discreet, street attire. We encourage persons to arrive in smart casual wear and will reject anyone wearing potentially offensive or controversial clothing (such as football shirts, etc.). Any person is welcome to dress up or down to their comfort level, be it in lingerie, fetish attire or nothing at all (save for a towel when in the common areas and while using seating).
- We can provide a towel for each attendee on request.
Please note that some of the playrooms are intended for private play and some are intended for public play only. These rooms will be identified by signs at the entrances. The private playrooms may be used as public playrooms at the discretion of the people playing in them, but the public playrooms must not be made private. Please remember - play occurring in a public playroom does not mean that others are welcome join in; consent is key and must be obtained by and for all parties.
— GGGBs —
Please be aware that this event is not for the faint of heart. If you have never been to an event before, we encourage you to try a Fun for All event or a social and work up to a Greedy Girls Gangbang event. We do welcome everyone, whether they are new or a hardened swinger. If you are new, you are welcome to play and or simply socialise/spectate.
The dress code for GGGBs is as follows:
- For arrival, all persons must arrive in discreet, street attire. We encourage persons to arrive in smart casual wear and will reject anyone wearing potentially offensive or controversial clothing (such as football shirts, etc.). Any person is welcome to dress up or down to their comfort level, be it in lingerie, fetish attire or nothing at all (save for a towel when using the seating).
- We provide a towel for all persons to use at any time.
Please also be aware that many attendees choose to wear only a towel at the event, and many will be completely naked (except when using the seating). Whilst not a requirement, it is encouraged at greedy events as it means your belongings are kept safe and secure while playing.
Please note that all of the playrooms at this event are intended as public playrooms.